May 18, 2024

Does The Artist Have To Label Her Name?

Artists and innovators usually focus on the creation and artistic process of their works. Therefore, they should focus on developing their own art and works. However, in the 21st century, if an artist or creative person wants to succeed in her craft, he or she must begin to understand the work of art and how it affects the dissemination and visibility of her works.

art circle

Art business refers to all marketing, trading, promotion, social media management and business practices related to artists and their works. These activities usually take place after the production, completion, distribution and preparation of works for sharing with the public.

In order to understand the ownership of works, artists and creators must internalize works into commodities and products. Ownership creates power, and art commodities can become assets with real tangible value.

Promoting and protecting these assets is part of mastering the arts.


A trademark can be all the words, words, symbols, designs or combinations of these things that represent your goods or services. This includes the artist’s name. This is how customers, consumers and supporters recognize you in the world and distinguish you from competitors.


  • Identify the source of goods or services.

  • Provide legal protection for your brand.

  • I will help you prevent counterfeiting and fraud.

Many artists and creatives hesitate to mark their names, words, words, symbols and designs. Because they think they are not famous or successful. In fact, the opposite is true! If the artist decides that this is her full-time job, she must take all necessary steps to ensure long-term economic success. It’s no good putting off.

Advantages of trademark application

Registered trademarks have many legal and commercial interests.

Legal interests:

  1. The exclusive right to use the symbols, slogans, signs or images of the goods or services listed in the trademark registration;

  2. Presumption of overall ownership in the United States;

  3. Ability to obtain trademarks(and attached trademark protection) in other countries;

  4. Protection under the Federal Anti Predatory Consumer Protection Act;

  5. The United States Customs and Border Protection can provide assistance to detained goods imported into the United States. These goods falsely have your trademark or a trademark similar to your trademark.

  6. Ability to sue for trademark infringement in federal rather than state courts

Business advantages:

  1. Unique trademarks help audiences and industry experts find you.

  2. Trademark becomes the asset of artist brand.

  3. Competitors cannot infringe your trademark, which means that other artists cannot benefit from your reputation.

Famous artists who have applied for trademark

Since 1985, PTO has submitted 6.7 million trademark applications, including many well-known trademarks.

Taylor Swift: I’m registering lyrics and song names as trademarks.

Black Chenya: She wanted to register a trademark for the future wedding name Angela Kadaxian, but Kortney, Kim and Khlo é Kardasian 2die4court, Kimsprincess Inc. and Khloemoney Co., Ltd. blocked the trademark registration.

Kelly Jenner: She has registered the Stormiworld trademark, which is a combination of her daughter’s name and Tel Avi Scott’s album Cosmic World.

Donald Trump: A few days after the 2012 election, he applied for the United States to become the “Great Again” trademark. The application was approved only in July 2015.

50 cents: In July 2002, he registered his artist’s name with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. One year before his first album “Make Money or Die” was released. The album made him famous. His trademark was approved in 2004.

Artists and creatives should think forward in their career and focus on arts and commerce of crafts. In 2021, artists must improve and protect their art to ensure long-term success. One of the first ways to start is to apply for a trademark.